View Full Version : Inconsistent Signature Spacing

Justin L
19th March 2008, 03:09 PM
I also noticed the spacing for the signature is varied between the lines. If you look at the upcoming flight details below, the bottom line is spaced further down to the others, even though they are all entered under each other in the User CP.

Robert S
20th March 2008, 12:24 PM
It looks like an MSIE rendering issue.

I get that effect in MSIE7 also, but I looked at the HTML and it's fine and when I looked at this thread in Firefox, it's also fine.

Try putting an extra enter or two at the bottom of your signature and see if that fools Internet Explorer.

EDIT: Sorry, just tried, it ignores that... instead if you start a new line at the bottom of your signature and hit the Bold button, it will insert a pair of BBCode bold tags on that new line. Then save your signature. It should then look how you want it. A bit clunky, but it seems to have fixed the issue on mine.