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Nick W. 6th April 2008 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Flood (Post 1836)
You all need to do a lot more homework I think.

Exactly right, Floody. We all know that there are some of us out there with plans for their flying careers and have goals which require a degree to help with management or so forth. However, I have been approached so many times by friends and friends of friends who ask me about all these elaborate schemes to get their PPL, but they all seem amazed when I say "just go to a flying school and book a lesson".

That's how I started, and that's what I'm still doing. Often there are plans for the process, but it will work around your timetable and so forth. Many people I know have gotten their licences through flying schools, then go on and do a uni or tafe course part-time, often funded by their flying.

Like I said, my career prospects lie differently to the ones I just described. I, personally, have always enjoyed education and intend to keep that process going for as long as I can, so a university programme works well with my goals for after this year. However, it's not the only way, especially if you want a rating that fits around your schedule and is (often, but not always) a bit cheaper.

Just my 2 cents...


Alex G 7th April 2008 08:31 AM

Uni/Tafe isnt a requirement if you want to fly. That path is probably costlier and longer than just going to the flying school and doing it all yourself.

Of course, if you WANT to do a course on top of the flying then that is ultimately the choice of you yourself.
It may or may not help with your chances of a job; it may or may not give you something youd really want to fall back on. Either way its your choice so you have to be happy.

Personally my advice is get out there and do it yourself as thats what i did and so far its gone well enough.... Others will obviously advise other ways- weigh up the options and decide for yourself. Just remember to enjoy the training!

Lukas M 7th April 2008 09:02 AM

Swinburne in Melbourne is in conjunction with QANTAS:)

Mick F 7th April 2008 10:20 AM

Yes, it is, and it's for the cadets. So you need to qualify for the cadetship first.


Greg McDonald 7th April 2008 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Flood (Post 1836)

You can simply walk up to the flying school, pay the same money (if not less because you only do what YOU need to do), and have your CPL inside of one year.


Only if Mummy or Daddy can kick in the 70K needed for the licences!! It seems all those checking out the Uni or TAFE route are looking at it straight from school. I don't know of anyone that could afford to go straight to flying school from grade 12 even if you've worked part-time through high school.

Mick F 7th April 2008 02:10 PM

But Greg, the flying component of the uni degree's are NOT covered by HECS unless you're a Qantas Cadet though. So mummy and daddy still need to pay the fee's upfront.


Greg McDonald 7th April 2008 02:58 PM

Thats true Floody. I also think that doing it the way you have would be a hell of a lot more fun anyway even if you eventually do end up with an airline. I just wish the costs weren't as steep as they are before you can get a start with a flying career.

Lukas M 7th April 2008 03:50 PM

You can always defer for 1year, and work like hell for a year to save up some $$$:mad:

Lachlan Hare 10th April 2008 06:17 PM

This year in the TAFE course at Swinburne we have more students that have come back to learn after working in the workforce for a couple of years.

And to all those people who think TAFE is for people who are the brightest for University, the average score for the BAK Exam for the TAFE Students was 93% compared to 87% for the Qantas Cadets and 74% for the degree students.

Grant Smith 11th April 2008 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Lachlan Hare (Post 2317)
And to all those people who think TAFE is for people who are the brightest for University

Would they be TAFE students who think this ;)

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