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Paul S. 10th March 2014 10:20 PM

Interested to know more about the 5 fail to boards. They mustn't have come from a connecting flight as reports say their baggage had to be off loaded, so I assume they checked in at KL as I cant imagine the bags getting there before the pax.

David Knudsen 10th March 2014 10:34 PM

avherald added this information recently;


Hong Kong's Air Traffic Control Center reported on Mar 10th 2014 around 17:30L (09:30Z) that an airliner enroute on airway L642 reported via HF radio that they saw a large field of debris at position N9.72 E107.42 about 80nm southeast of Ho Chi Minh City, about 50nm off the south-eastern coast of Vietnam in the South China Sea and about 281nm northeast of the last known radar position. Ships have been dispatched to the reported debris field.

Michael Cleary 10th March 2014 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Paul S. (Post 87957)
Interested to know more about the 5 fail to boards. They mustn't have come from a connecting flight as reports say their baggage had to be off loaded, so I assume they checked in at KL as I cant imagine the bags getting there before the pax.

I missed a connecting flight once - by about a minute (missed the 10min gate closure) - and actually saw my bag extracted from the hold while I was waiting.

Greg Hyde 10th March 2014 11:39 PM


Pingers only transmit on a limited range.

Once the aircraft is found the pingers are then used to locate the boxes.

Unfortunately it's a small fish in a big ocean until some trace is found.

Justin L 11th March 2014 05:06 AM

Please excuse my ignorance, but of the theories that one of the reasons debris may not have (yet) been found is due to disintegration in the air caused by catastrophic explosion, I have these questions:

1. What would cause an explosion so powerful that complete disintegration would occur and leave no debris, even small parts of the plane flung far and wide?
2. Why would such an explosion at night not be seen by those on the ground or other intra-Asia redeye flights flying at similar altitude on a clear night?
3. Etc.

Ash W 11th March 2014 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Hugh Jarse (Post 87951)
With respect, Ash - your answer was not accurate. If a transponder is switched off (or fails) then in 100% of cases the aircraft data label will definitely be lost on the controller's display. Modern ATC radar centres do not display primary paints on controller's displays, either because that data is not available, or to display it would clutter their displays (or both).

Sure, the world's military would maintain some level of primary-only radar coverage for identifying unidentified intruders, but that's not we're discussing here.

The whole reason primary radar is all but redundant is that there are so many limitations with it, as I explained in my previous post.

I thought my original answer was reasonably simple :) To make a blanket statement that the aircraft would still be showing on radar is generally incorrect in a modern civil ATC environment. That's why contact was lost in the first place :) Rescue services would have a more precise estimate of where the aircraft is, if your original statement were accurate.

With respect my answer was to post 59. Laurent was asking if it were possible to turn the transponder off and then fly somewhere else undetected.

Again whilst what you say is indeed 100% correct, my response, is also right, especially the context of the post I was replying to.

Now I am sure you will agree if an aircraft were have done was Laurent was suggesting then somewhere along the line it would be detected by radar and being unidentified suspicions would be aroused. Sadly other than a crash there is no way for an airliner to just disappear like it has done.

So the answer to Laurent again is yes an aircraft with a transponder turned off will still be detected by radar, but add all of Hugh's caveats.

Tamara S 11th March 2014 07:56 AM

Terror group Chinese Martyrs Brigade claim missing flight was ‘payback’, officials label it hoax

On another note they are sending ships to the debris field spotted by a Cathay crew, crikey 250nm from the last position...

Nigel C 11th March 2014 11:59 AM

You too can help look for the missing aircraft....

An American company has set up a web site to enable users to scour the area where MH370 is believed to have gone down using imagery from 5 satellites. Web site below:

Henning S 11th March 2014 12:47 PM

That's awesome. I'm already checking the first images.

Tamara S 11th March 2014 02:16 PM

cctv footage of pilot and first officer going through security

David N 11th March 2014 04:30 PM

I don't understand how an aircraft (At altitude or not) does not leave debris on the water if it exploded in flight.
IMO it would had left less clue if it went in whole, happy to be corrected

Laurent Sanhard 11th March 2014 05:07 PM

if no debris has been found by the end of the week , might it be possible that the aircraft managed to land on water ( like the Hudson A320 ) although at night highly impossible to land on water without breaking up the aircraft ,
if it did land on water in one piece would it sink to the bottom or float ??

Paul S. 11th March 2014 05:31 PM

Have none of you see airport 77 the movie!

NathanJ 11th March 2014 05:32 PM

All this speculation and constant hunger for answers. It's clear that all possibilities are not being considered. Extraterrestrial's are no doubt responsible for the disappearance into "thin air". Unfortunately this scenario is light years away from human compression so the same tried and failed techniques of search and rescue are and will continue to fail as we will all sit here with blank faces and question marks hovering over our heads... ;)

Tamara S 11th March 2014 05:33 PM

You would think life rafts would be deployed and some pax floating with life jackets.

On another note, Malaysian authorities just held a press conference and ruled out the pax on the false passports and confirmed that they are asylum seekers.

So back to aircraft failure and non boarding pax, surely they can track down the pax and interview them.

I still have a gut feeling its in a hanger somewhere.....

Tamara S 11th March 2014 05:40 PM

in addition to the mobile phones connecting there now sayimg its showing them online in online chat

Ash W 11th March 2014 05:54 PM

As anyone who has travelled overseas knows it is quite common for someone to call you whilst roaming and hear ring tone, despite your phone being off or out of range.

If I had a dollar for the number of times the missus has asked why I didn't answer a call, despite the phone not ringing I would be very rich.

The reason for it is quite simple, when you roam your last known location is given to your home carrier. When someone calls you the call is sent to this last known location. Whilst the call is being set-up your carrier will play ring tone to your caller, then when the roaming carrier gets back saying it cannot find your phone you get busy, so it seems like the call rang, got connected then disconnected, when in reality it didn't get through.

But being seen as active on a data service, cannot explain that one.

Tamara S 11th March 2014 06:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Photos of the fake passport holders

Tamara S 11th March 2014 06:56 PM

This is going to cause a stir, aussie girls in the flight deck of a Malaysian jet for the entire length of an international flight. The very same pilot who is first officer on the missing jet.

Seems he was a Captain on the 767 before being fo on the 777

Paul F 11th March 2014 06:58 PM

They can find water below the surface on planets millions km,s away with satellites yet they cant find a jetliner in one of the most populated areas on earth.

Henning S 11th March 2014 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tamara S (Post 87989)
This is going to cause a stir, aussie girls in the flight deck of a Malaysian jet for the entire length of an international flight. The very same pilot who is first officer on the missing jet.

Seems he was a Captain on the 767 before being fo on the 777

Quite shocking and very exciting news! Thanks for sharing!

Paul F 11th March 2014 07:19 PM

Very unfair and done in bad taste just ACA trying to make story out of nothing :mad:

Henning S 11th March 2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tamara S (Post 87988)
Photos of the fake passport holders

Is the bottom half of the left picture the same as the bottom half of the right one?

NathanJ 11th March 2014 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Henning S (Post 87994)
Is the bottom half of the left picture the same as the bottom half of the right one?

Nice spotting... Seriously people can you all stop posting links to absolute rubbish reporting.

The way the media is covering this story at the moment is painting an awful picture of just how dumbed down and misled our society is becoming.

Hugh Jarse 11th March 2014 07:38 PM

Nothing on a current affair or today tonight is based on factual information.

Henning S 11th March 2014 07:39 PM

The picture is actually an official one and was shown by a Malaysian police officer to the press.

And another picture of the police woman showing the photo (from German media):,c=0.bild.jpg

Tamara S 11th March 2014 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Nathan Lumsden (Post 87996)
Seriously people can you all stop posting links to absolute rubbish reporting

Most of my stuff comes from the press conferences, and yes I notice the photo but thats what they held up in the press conference.

Tamara S 11th March 2014 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hugh Jarse (Post 87997)
Nothing on a current affair or today tonight is based on factual information.

So you're saying photos of pax in a secure cockpit in flight does not raise some suspicion? Smoking in a cockpit?

Im sure your aware of the backside kicking you would be getting Hugh if you took someone up front inflight for photos.

How do you know something similar dident happen on this flight and the tech crew accidently disconnected the autopilot causing an uncontrolled spin?

My partner who is a current A330 pilot and myself being cabin crew would be dismissed if we let any pax in the cockpit!

Anyway.... no more speculating from me....

Montague S 11th March 2014 08:14 PM

here are the two lads using the fake passports, 2nd from left is using the Austrian and far right is using the Italian passport..

Henning S 11th March 2014 08:19 PM

Montague S, where did you find that picture?

Montague S 11th March 2014 08:24 PM

does it matter? it's 110% the two guys that are being talked about.

Henning S 11th March 2014 08:35 PM

They are definitely wearing the exact same clothes as on the official pictures from the airport. But still when someone posts something here, I like to know the source of the information.

Tamara S 11th March 2014 08:36 PM

Latest Media Release

This statement is in reference to the many queries on the alleged five (5) passengers who checked-in but did not board MH370 on 8 March 2014 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing despite having valid tickets to travel.

Malaysia Airlines wishes to clarify that there were four (4) passengers who had valid booking to travel on flight MH370, 8 March 2014, but did not show up to check-in for the flight.

As such, the issue of off-loading unaccompanied baggage did not arise, as the said four passengers did not check in for the flight. Hence, the above claim is untrue.*

Hmmm there the ones that said multiple times that all the baggage was offloaded, so now there saying they never checked in and no bags were loaded? But 24 hours ago they said they offloaded all the bags of the pax, things are not adding up here

Montague S 11th March 2014 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Henning S (Post 88006)
They are definitely wearing the exact same clothes as on the official pictures from the airport. But still when someone posts something here, I like to know the source of the information.

the source is far away from here...the photographer has contacted MH and is also in contact with the mother of the lad using the passport to travel to Frankfurt.

JamesL 11th March 2014 08:44 PM

The aircraft is fitted with ACARS which is independent to the SSR/ADS-B. Where is that information?

JamesL 11th March 2014 09:18 PM

From Reuters


Malaysia military tracked missing jet to Strait of Malacca: source

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's military believes it tracked the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner by radar over the Strait of Malacca, far from where it last made contact with civilian air traffic control off the country's east coast, a military source told Reuters.

The Strait of Malacca, one of the world's busiest shipping channels, runs along Malaysia's west coast. The airline said on Saturday that the flight carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew last had contact off the east coast Malaysian town of Kota Bharu.

"It changed course after Kota Bharu and took a lower altitude. It made it into the Malacca Strait," the military official, who has been briefed on investigations, told Reuters.

David Knudsen 11th March 2014 10:18 PM

A couple of interesting updates on avherald


The aircraft has last undergone maintenance on Feb 23rd 2014. All Malaysia Airlines aircraft are equipped with ACARS transmitting monitoring data automatically. However, no distress call and no information was relayed

On Mar 11th 2014 Malaysia's Air Force reported their primary radar data suggest, the aircraft may have turned west over the Gulf of Thailand at about 1000 meters/3000 feet below the original flight level (editorial note: another possible interpretation could be: at 1000 meters of height compared to 10000 meters original level) and flown past the east coast near Khota Baru and the west coast of Malaysia near Kedah, the radar return was last seen at 02:40L near Pulau Perak in the Straits of Malacca, about 285nm westsouthwest of the last known (secondary) radar position. Local Police at Khota Bharu confirmed a number of locals reported lights and a low flying aircraft at Khota Bharu at an estimated height of 1000 meters/3000 feet.

Daniel M 11th March 2014 10:48 PM

I'm expecting an imminent announcement. Lot's of cover ups in this whole thing, the truth is about to come out.

Kurt A 11th March 2014 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Henning S (Post 88006)
I like to know the source of the information.

The pic has been floating around the internet on various sites. BBC and CNN have their own version now with two of the faces blurred out. But some originals are below:

Scroll down a bit for the pic:

See/read the original note that went along with the pic that has now since been blurred by CNN:

Some background to the pic:

Greg Hyde 11th March 2014 11:16 PM

The longer the story goes on, the longer the press will "beat" the story up. They will attempt to find "aviation experts" who will tell them what they want to hear. Bombs, terror, hijack, crew ....

You would of noticed that the story is no longer lead story on last nights news. No new vision no new clues.

Again they need to find any angle they can get on the story. You can only interview the victims relatives so many times.

ATSB director was on the ABC midday news and he said that he wouldn't speculate on what has happened. You can imagine how that goes down at some news services.

Expect some weird/fantasy stories the longer that the story runs.

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