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Ryan Hothersall 15th January 2011 05:43 PM

Has anyone else had ads appear all of a sudden?.

Ryan Hothersall 15th January 2011 05:48 PM

My ad blocker had stopped working.

Now sorted.

damian f 15th January 2011 07:48 PM

Funny reading this post with a "Weight Loss" ad in the top banner... the computer must know I need to lose a little weight after Xmas!!!


Philip Argy 16th May 2011 06:55 AM

Repetitive promotional posts shouldn't be allowed
I don't mind notification to members that joyflights are available, or even the occasional reminder post, but in my view Danny's multiple repetitive promotional posts for his joyflights are excessive in this thread: :(

steve k 16th May 2011 07:49 AM

He's just promoting the model show, its all over for another year so you can stop whining about it now!!

Philip Argy 16th May 2011 08:08 AM

No wine!
Not a whine - just an admin policy opinion, Steve, which is why it's in this thread.

Nigel C 16th May 2011 10:26 AM

Just a thought...

Perhaps if Danny contributed more to the board than just the incessant model show threads, either by general discussion in one of the many other threads and topics (yes, I acknowledge there has been the odd post here and there) or perhaps monetary payment to the boards admins for the very long-term advertising of the show, then Phil might view things a little differently?

I have to agree though, 5 months solid of posts about this years show in the lead up to it is quite excessive.

Bernie P 16th May 2011 10:41 AM

I tend to respect everyones right on this board to voice their opinions...

BUT, the way in which Danny has 'advertised' the Show, is in my opinion, OK in that IF I did not want to read about it, then I would not read about it in the same way people do NOT always read about rego requests... There is a sticky post there that says:

This will then keep the thread clearly identified as an Aircraft Registration Request thread, whereby giving those users who choose not read those particular threads, plenty of warning that it is actually a rego request thread; thus alleviating those users of the stress and pain of actually opening and reading it
I have seen him contribute here and there in other areas and maybe yes, further contribution is needed, but at the end of the day if you do not want to read about it, theres a little function that says 'Mark This Forum Read' under the Forum Tools dropdown...

$0.02 worth...

David Knudsen 16th May 2011 10:50 AM

The admin view of it was that if Danny kept it all in a single thread it was fine, that way if you're not interested, you only have had to ignore one thread.

That said I'm sure next time we organise a spotting weekend, Danny will be happy to offer some support.

Also I must mention that we don't condone the use of ad blockers, as that is the only revenue stream supporting the hosting and associated forum costs of the board.

steve k 16th May 2011 11:07 AM

I think what many fail to realise is that without the ads and sponsorship, we simply would not have a forum at all due to the high yearly running costs, which I believe is a few hundred dollars a year!

Adam P. 16th May 2011 04:03 PM


That said I'm sure next time we organise a spotting weekend, Danny will be happy to offer some support.
Subtle as a sledgehammer, Knudders.

steve k 16th May 2011 04:17 PM

Im not sure how to take all this, but will say Danny puts in a lot of time and money, to bring to us Aussie collectors a great model show every year. Now to those who dont know, I went to the first four shows, unable to make the5th & 6th shows. Ive spoken to Danny about the work involved in bringing it all together, whilst holding down a full time shiftwork job, my point being a top effort in getting joyflights together, and a good days entertainment for aviation activities.
Ok some say he was over zealous promoting it, well, I would have done exactly the same as he did. Seems like it was a great turnout, over 2000 attended, and all I can say is he did yet another bloody good job of it all.

Grant Smith 17th May 2011 04:49 AM

I'm just going to throw this one out there and see where we go...

From the Terms and Conditions of the board


Originally Posted by "Terms and Conditions"
3.5 You agree that You will not originate any Message, topic or material on the Board containing links to personal or not-for-profit organisation websites belonging to, staffed or managed by You, unless a reciprocal link to the 'Sydney Airport Message Board' (at ) is placed on the linked page.


Grant Smith 17th May 2011 04:50 AM

I'm just going to throw this one out there and see where we go...

From the Terms and Conditions of the board


Originally Posted by Terms and Conditions
3.5 You agree that You will not originate any Message, topic or material on the Board containing links to personal or not-for-profit organisation websites belonging to, staffed or managed by You, unless a reciprocal link to the 'Sydney Airport Message Board' (at ) is placed on the linked page.


Philip Argy 17th May 2011 07:28 AM

Since I started this sub-thread, can I just say that I did NOT have any issue with a posting that made members aware of the show and its activities.

My issue was the use of multiple closely spaced posts that had the effect of forcing the promotional message to re-appear any time one did a 'New Posts' query. That was my only issue and I think some of the subsequent discussion has gone off the rails in discussing whether the show should be promoted at all, or whether a particular person did or does a terrific job in running the show - none of that has any relevance to my specific 'excessive refresh posts' quibble.

What I personally would find acceptable would be perhaps a post at weekly intervals in the lead up, and maybe one on the day it started, and perhaps even a highlights one for events specific to each day of the show, but not a repetitive post from the organiser about joyflights with no fresh content and with such a 'bare' promotional intent.

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