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matthew mcdonald 8th April 2008 10:17 PM

Radar Field
Is it possible to get to the radar field by car. If so, how.

P.S. I was up on that little hill right next to the highway and I looked across the highway and saw two guys spotting behind the fence, so there has to be a way.

Thanks in advance

Nigel C 8th April 2008 10:18 PM

I think Glenn Stewart might be able to help you here...

Over to you Glenn!

Brenden S 9th April 2008 04:50 PM

Yea park at the tower and run across general holmes drive!

Nigel C 9th April 2008 05:36 PM

I'll call the ambulance...

matthew mcdonald 9th April 2008 05:42 PM

Any other ways other than the back of an ambulance ;)

Matt_L 9th April 2008 06:37 PM

we did that GEN holmes drive dash when the 380 first came to syd in 2005 and there was like literally over 150/200 people there at the radar field with dirt mounds the size of mount everest:P
Everyone dashed across.
If im not mistaken though, its illegal now to go there?

Nigel C 9th April 2008 06:55 PM

Seeing as Glenn is being a total slacko and not looking at the board right now, I'll attempt to answer on his behalf.:p

I believe they parked elsewhere (not sure where...I didn't speak to them) and walked from Gen Holmes Dr (southern side) up the hill and to the fenceline where Matthew then saw them.
Security did have a friendly chat to them (2 separate security patrols), it was smiles all round because everyone was polite and friendly, and they continued spotting there until a rain shower and some pretty crappy dark photo-unfriendly cloud came in from the south east.
I was going to stop and say hi, but they'd gone by the time I returned to that area. I didn't see where they went.

As far as I know, at no time did they wander through the construction compound area there near gate 16. All access was via the hill next to GHD.

Glenn, feel free to add to or correct me here...


Adam P. 9th April 2008 07:31 PM


it was smiles all round because everyone was polite and friendly
See?? You DON'T have to be confrontational!!!

Adam P. 10th April 2008 11:07 AM

I hear Glenn's just discovered the 'new' board (OK, I put him on to it) and a reply will be forthcoming shortly...

Glenn Stewart 10th April 2008 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Nigel C (Post 2189)
Seeing as Glenn is being a total slacko and not looking at the board right now, I'll attempt to answer on his behalf.:p

I had to renew my membership. I don't know about the whole slacko thing.The last time I was able to relax and slack off was spotting in the radar field on Sunday.


Originally Posted by Nigel C (Post 2189)
I believe they parked elsewhere (not sure where...I didn't speak to them) and walked from Gen Holmes Dr (southern side) up the hill and to the fenceline where Matthew then saw them.

I parked beyond the restricted parking sign (i.e. the legal side). I've been told numerous times by security that as long as I am past the boundary of the airport, that the car should be fine.

I'm not really into playing "frogger" by parking at the tower.


Originally Posted by Nigel C (Post 2189)
Security did have a friendly chat to them (2 separate security patrols), it was smiles all round because everyone was polite and friendly, and they continued spotting there until a rain shower and some pretty crappy dark photo-unfriendly cloud came in from the south east.
I was going to stop and say hi, but they'd gone by the time I returned to that area. I didn't see where they went.

I was spoken to by the second security guard personally. I didn't make it to the fence to speak with the first one (who spoke to my friend). The first conversation was relayed to me. I think it was the typical message that I've heard for many years. Just the general stay clear of the fence with the ladder and have a nice day. My overseas visitor was very impressed with Sydney Airport security hospitality.

A second security guard came past a couple of hours later. He was very friendly (did I mention hospitality?) and reinforced the ladder warning. He also warned us that the area had private constuction sites we had to stay clear of (something that had completely changed since my last 2006 visit). I explained that we were only going to take a couple more shots then relocate (wanted to get Viva on 16R approach).

All in all, just a casual Sunday. We were there for a couple of hours. I thought I was the spotter! Seems that two hours in the radar field in a whole 14 month period leads to be spotted first.


Originally Posted by Nigel C (Post 2189)
As far as I know, at no time did they wander through the construction compound area there near gate 16. All access was via the hill next to GHD.

I didn't go near any of the construction sites. I assumed that they were the huge sandpits areas to one side fenced off? I walked along the highway. Its far easier than tackling the snakes in the long grass. In the old days I would have gone down into the corner because it's better for rotations, but the land down there seems to be too busy with sandhills and fenced off areas.

I just made sure I was as far from the fenced off areas as possible by staying close to the road. It's not as good for spotting as the old days, but it's the best I could find on the day.


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