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Old 28th October 2008, 09:47 AM
Stephen Brown Stephen Brown is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Raymond Terrace/Williamtown
Posts: 555

I'm with Mike. If you have a kid that can sit still fine, if not don't get on.

The rights of someone who just so happened to have bred don't override everyone elses.

Nick it's got nothing to do with intolerance, it's got to do with respecting other people. I respect your right to breed. I respect your right to travel freely within this world. That respect diminishes if I have paid money that I have worked hard for to go on a trip somewhere that is interrupted by whatever disturbance.

If you were sitting in business class and I started kicking the back of your seat and screaming you wouldn't like it would you? No I don't think so. So why do we excuse a child when we wouldn't excuse anyone else.

I think you need to take a step back Nick and learn about the word respect. Respect for others, respect for personal privacy and space.
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Whens the BBQ in Brisvegas Muzzdog??

No where. Where should I go?
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