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Old 22nd March 2009, 07:37 PM
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Craig Murray Craig Murray is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 371

Well I am assuming that the unsuspecting travellers who's arrival was met by these thugs had their movements traced at their point of origin which was passed on to those who commenced the attack in T3 upon the travellers exiting the aircraft at Gate 5 (per ABC1 7pm news). Sans weapons it is easy for any individual to get through security....... they have no reason to stop you.

What this does raise is the lack of any "real" security in the terminals at not just Sydney but all around the country. The bulk of security, and that is a term I use most loosely, is unarmed staff contracted to scan passengers and make sure you don't walk into the sterile area via an exit........ and heaven forbid if you park your car for more than the allocated two minute period - you'll experience the wrath of the hired help.

Obviously things like this are few and far between. And quite frankly the alleged events of today, performed in front of mums, dads, kids etc., were a cowardly and unnecessary act with no regard or thought for human life. However a strong police (either NSW or Federal) may have seen more than 4 people arrested and prevented the escape by taxi.

I feel for the innocent bystanders that witnessed today's events and have faith that the occupier of T3 has done all they can to assist them. The impact of witnessing these events on people could be life changing for some and ongoing support will be crucial in their rehabilitation.

And as for those who find these events somewhat trivial and post as such within this thread, take your banter (and patronage) elsewhere...... ASAP.
Whatever happened to Ti Dak?

Last edited by Craig Murray; 22nd March 2009 at 08:41 PM. Reason: Reference to Macq Airports deleted post clarification of the point raised.
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