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Old 2nd April 2009, 07:56 PM
James P James P is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 6
Default CX numbers down - here's some reasons

Unfortunately I can only travel during school holiday periods. My trip to Hong Kong last year was in a very full A330 and was the most uncomfortable trip I have ever had. Flight attendants virtually absent, the personal reading light is obscured by the head rest of the person who fully reclined for the entire flight so I couldn't read or do puzzles, and no personal air nozzle to get some air circulation - give me a Virgin E-190 any day. We left Melbourne around 2pm, had a food service and by 5:30 they had insisted the blinds be drawn and the cabin lighting doused as if it was night time. Pointless having a window seat as you weren't allowed to look out the window. It felt like granny had sent me to my room. Sorry CX, my body clock didn't want a nap at 6pm. We were then "woken up" for a food service about an hour before landing and allowed to open the shades. The in-flight movies also ceased for about 2 hours during our enforced siesta. I'll be looking for another airline next time.
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