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Old 1st May 2008, 09:55 PM
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Nick W. Nick W. is offline
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Originally Posted by Stephen Brown View Post
I, and I know may others, would like to know the real facts not sensationalised pieced together supposition.
If I were to do the same to your post as you did to Tim's, I'd extract the words "sensationalised" and "supposition" and use them to analyse the way you skewed a perfectly good post, like your own spin on the concorde. Don't take it the wrong way, Stephen, I always enjoy reading your points due to their honesty and factual evidence, but sometimes you need to take stories that will be built upon with a pinch of salt. FOX News ticker, anybody?...

The way things often work on this board is a very good process: either someone who knows all the relevant details makes an absolute post, or a story is told and others add to it as more information becomes known. This thread is really not much about Tim's account at all, but what is right to post and what is not! Is Tim safe to say about how something like how he brushes his teeth tonight, or will someone jump on him for not looking at how the toothbrush thought about it and if he forgot to mention a brand?

I, for one, liked your account Tim. By the way, shouldn't you be at school? I mean, I know I have exams right now (modern and maths on the same day today...) but some of the year 12's on this board seem to very rare attend!

One of those UNSW students... you know what I mean