Thread: Gold Airlines
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Old 15th February 2010, 10:26 AM
Harry G Harry G is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 61

Originally Posted by David Knudsen View Post
Should be a good year for the travelling public, says they'll be launching this year too

Anyone got any more for the list?
Tiger Airways are starting to realise that cracking the Australian market is not a walk in the park.... Guess Singapore Airlines thought they could get in the back door with the pacific route but when that went belly up, it left Tiger very a service concious market who wants cheap travel....

New routes, marketing gimmicks are very quickly belted by Qantas/Jetstar with capacity and dollars .......Virgin also does similar so if a new start up wants to fly the the main trunk routes and offer exceptional service/meals etc as their web site they really think Qantas will lay down? again ask Tiger about their Sydney route??? JQ have seen to that as well as Virgin....

The quick buck makers who think that aviation is the way to go really do need to think about what they are doing!
Go home..... we have enough choice at present and all these new start ups are doing is putting people out of work!
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