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Old 28th March 2010, 02:40 PM
Robert S Robert S is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Posts: 283

Does anyone have any idea of what's really going on over there?

BA seems to be saying that yes it is impacting them, but it's not so bad, while the union is claiming that their operations have been absolutely crippled - they're not both right (although as I continue to google as I write this, the union's latest release does seem to finally admit to what we already knew and was never a secret - the airline is very actively circumventing them to keep pax moving).

I have to say - when they tried (and failed) to strike at Christmas/NY, the union automatically lost my sympathies as clearly this was not a good faith action IMO - striking at a time which was intended to cause maximum damage to the company and which as collateral damage would cause disruption to the maximum number of passengers and significant cost to the airline's standing and goodwill. That's not about merely proving a point any more.

What arguments I have bothered reading from the union have not been remotely convincing anyway to be honest... it seems to fall back to "we'll give up a bit, but we still want to be the best paid crew in the business" and never addresses the economic situation that BA finds itself in. After that it seems to devolve into prattling on about the wine selection in First and how it isn't as good as it used to be, or something.

Ultimately as per the thread title's question - these strikes don't seem to be getting them anywhere at all. At the moment their response appears to be "No problem, we'll have more strikes then". Nice.