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Old 30th March 2010, 05:50 PM
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Todd Milton Todd Milton is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 94

Here are some photos from me. Last year I got to board and depart the Charity Flight, sadly this year I was not working until later in the afternoon and in a different department . However did get to see Maikha and Co travel out on it, and return back with stories to tell.

Good to see a great turnout at the event this year. Have been to previous Open Days and this was the best so far. It is a shame the RAAF could not provide a F/A 18 Hornet pass, however hopefully they can provide a Super Hornet show next year.

The Carnival
Some good stuff for the younger kids, however they should place some things in for the teens. Like Bumper Cars and other Carnival games for a decent price, less aviationy but fun all the same :P


An often seen airport vehicle, yet not often photographed

View My Photos at
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