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Old 21st August 2010, 11:13 AM
Russell D Russell D is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 229

Sorry to bring this old thread back to the fore.

Just wondering how things are actually going with the JQ Cadet Pilot Program. From what I remember reading a while back just after they announced it on their website, it was for domestic residents to apply.

Is there any possibility that due to all the recent proposed changes with the pilots from overseas (Singapore, etc) agreement that the program will also offer place for internationals to apply as well?

Also, since both QF, JQ, and REX now have programs of the like, any chance of seeing DJ/VB and/or TT developing their own programs soon?

On that note, QF had frozen their program for the last year or two. I assume that they might be restarting the program now given that times seem to be improving?
PPL and flying member at Schofields Flying Club
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