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Old 7th November 2010, 04:06 PM
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Yesteryear Aviation Yesteryear Aviation is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 5

Hi ladies and gents,

We're now finally taking bookings for flights on the DC-6B for her tour!

We do need to put in the caveat that the tour is subject to final regulatory approval – the DC-6B is about to start 8 weeks of maintenance work to tune and tighten everything up for her trip to Australia, and this will generate some certificates of inspection that CASA need to sight before physically issuing the piece of paper. However we are able to take bookings and start confirming things and getting them in place for the tour – there’s less than three months to go!

Forms are available for both the intercity flights and the joyflights on the website,, and the schedule for the flights is also available.

Those who had registered their interest for flights previously were sent the forms yesterday, and already we have a number of confirmed bookings from this.

Any problems or queries please let us know, otherwise, look forward to seeing you on board!
The DC-6B Tour of Australia, 2011
Celebrating Australia's Centenary of Flight
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