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Old 20th May 2008, 08:13 PM
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Craig Murray Craig Murray is offline
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Location: Brisbane
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A slightly different take on this one from me, I seem to suspect that it's a subtle way of getting the message out to those damn annoying lane and road hogging cycle groups that like to scoot about in the early morning hours.... particularly on weekends. The AM period at Brisbane is by far the busiest with the majority of International movements occuring in this time. To have lanes on the main road to and from the airport clogged by a "cog" of cyclists ("cog" is my collective noun for a group of bike riders) is certainly not an effective use of the infrastructure that is the airport road network.

Am I correct in saying the roads are on private land and therefore Brisbane Airport Corp are entitled to make whatever rules they see fit within the boundaries of their land? If so I'd happily support the introduction of a rule banning any group dressing like they are racing in the Tour de France from riding their bikes anywhere near the airport or any other traffic critical part of town for that matter.

Perhaps it's time for an advertising campaing against the amatuer peddlers that hit the bitumen every weekend....... I suggest it be called the "Get a Car" campaign

I apologise to anyone here who is an avid and/or professional cyclist but years of travelling Southern Cross Drive in Sydney in the early morning has led me to believe that these people really don't take their safety seriously. Often bikes are poorly lit bikes and have riders that would struggle to pass an RTA driving test.

I congratulate B.A.C. for taking this outstanding initiative.
Whatever happened to Ti Dak?
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