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Old 7th March 2011, 03:46 PM
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Paul McFarlane Paul McFarlane is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: YMTG
Posts: 147

I went on Saturday with a few mates and absolutely loved the day! Due to the tyranny of distance, kids & wife, I don't get to many of these events. In fact the last one was Avalon 2007. But I love them everytime. I don't care if it was the same as last time. That was 730 days ago and I've forgotten all about it.

I think there are a lot (the majority) of punters that went and had a great time. I, like them , have not been spoilt for choice in the airshow market and appreciate the show that was put on for me.

Because of my geographical disposition I cannot pop over to Richmond every time something awesome is due in. I can't head out to Amberley to check the movements that day. I can't even get to Edinburgh to see an Orion parked on an apron! I love aviation, it's why most of us work in this industry, and I am happy to soak up whatever they put in front of me. Well done ASDU for another great weekend.

(My appreciation is probable heightened because I was airborne out of Avalon East 20 minutes after leaving the gate! I certainly feel for those that had to find their way out of the car park that afternoon!)

Arguably there maybe better airshows (depends what you want in an airshow) but I am still happy in begging for a biannual leave pass from the Mrs and heading to Avalon to witness the fun and joy of aviation!
Things ain't what they used to be!
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