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Old 27th May 2008, 06:27 AM
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Noel White Noel White is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Sydney
Posts: 272

Back in the good old days when EWA (East West Airlines) departed from Building 60 (don't know what's it called now) to Norfolk Island with F27 500's. HM Customs had to attend to oversight the departure and collect the outwards custom cards from departing passengers. The story goes that a young "new to the airport" Customs Officer was detail to go to the EWA terminal and show the flag.

He asked the question "Where was the EWA terminal?"

"That's it over there on the domestic apron" replied his supervisor in the ITB, pointing to Building 60.

So off he goes, hops in the car parked airside and headed off to carry out his duties. Now the quickest way from the ITB to B60 is a straight line across R/W 16 and so that's the way he went.

By the time he reach B60 he was surrounded by every safety officer car on the airport including those on smoko.

He couldn't see what all the fuss was about, he looked both ways when he got to the runway and didn't see any aircraft and thought it was safe to cross.

Noel White
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