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Old 12th July 2008, 05:54 PM
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Philip Argy Philip Argy is offline
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Default Fasten your Holy See belts - here comes AZ4000

Update - edited excerpts from this morning's Sydney Morning Herald (page 7, column 1):


Since 1964 popes have always flown out of Rome with Italy's national carrier, Alitalia - always using the same call sign, AZ4000 - while the host country's national carrier usually returns him to the Vatican.

And while air traffic controllers often joke about clearing "Shepherd One" for take-off and landing, Pope Benedict's flight out of Rome bound for Sydney this morning certainly won't be economy class.


"The first class cabin will appear very very different ... at least two big comfortable arm chairs - not like airline seats at all - a bed for His Holiness, work tables, baskets of flowers and a kneeler and crucifix for inflight prayer", a seasoned Vatican observer told the Herald.

Alitalia tries to share the roster among its pilots and onboard personnel who apparently scramble for the honour of looking after the Pope - and for the chance to pose for the much treasured, traditional photo call at the door of the aircraft before departure.

The flight to Sydney is on a Boeing 777 and while the first class cabin is set aside for the pontiff alone, the cabin behind, usually configured as business class, will become home ... to the 27-strong Vatican entourage that is accompanying him to Sydney, with 44 journalists (including 5 Australians) filling the economy class cabin as the media contingent.
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