Thread: MH370 - Missing
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Old 23rd March 2014, 08:21 PM
Stuart Trevena Stuart Trevena is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Lara, Victoria
Posts: 268

Hi All,

Given that time over search area is very limited to a few hours for the Orions, which can't be Air to Air Refuelled, why doesn't Qantas offer a B747-400ER for a few days with air observers onboard?

This way they could get at least 5 hours over target, based on 4 hours to / From Target = 8 hours + 5 hours search = 13 hours Total.

Just fill the bastard up with fuel, and you might just get 15-17 hours flying on 2 engines over search area.

Secondly, i hope someone at Defence ensures that any future aircraft, eg the P8 or the Wedgetail has the capability of Air to Air Refuelling, otherwise the KC30's have little use, if just for the Hornets!!

Also, why aren't the KC30's tasked for this job as well, given their range??

Qantas B743's - A Classic
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