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Old 1st November 2014, 06:20 PM
Robert S Robert S is offline
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Posts: 283

Thanks for misrepresenting what I posted.

As I said already, I understand they were doing their job and accordingly I was polite, answered their questions are complied with their requests. The activity they felt required challenging was possession of a scanner, which they had noticed in the course of me immediately complying with their request to move the vehicles, which they made clear they felt was inappropriate until they called someone about it. Note I never challenged them despite them giving me the third degree... I stayed resolutely calm and polite, explaining in response to their questions why I had it, what it was for, why I was there, etc. As I said, the others present got the impression that an incident had occurred due to the the AFP blocking my vehicle and the officers fanning out around my car, taking my details, making the call, etc. and some others thought even they were "in trouble" for being there (and that I was just the first to undergo this treatment).

There was no question they were intentionally intimidating me "to do their job", born out of pure ignorance and I feel it's quite appropriate to record the incident here and certainly more appropriate here and NOT kick up a stink with the officers. I was trying to do anything but that.

EDIT: I guess it's just disappointing because I wasn't doing anything different than usual (just being a completely average boring stereotypical avgeek) and previously my only interaction with the AFP has been a friendly acknowledgement as they drive past to check things out (and these days it's normal to see them come past landside at least once while spotting). I naturally don't mind being asked questions (if anything, I think chatting to us should be a positive thing), but this was a pantomime display. To be honest, after the phone call ended abruptly, I suspect they were embarrassed about the scene they had created over nothing. The whole tone changed and clearly they wanted to get out of there.

Last edited by Robert S; 1st November 2014 at 08:17 PM.
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