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Old 23rd March 2009, 07:34 AM
Owen H Owen H is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 365

Originally Posted by Andrew View Post

It is in the groups best interests to drive JQ expansion as quickly as possible.
I think you'll find a lot of people disagree with you there Andrew!

Convincing people to fly with Qantas over another airline because you can fly on the new A380 has been a big success with the aircraft getting great satisfaction ratings.

A lot would argue that the premium carrier should have the new and premium aircraft!

You have your Business class, and higher economy passengers flying to Tokyo on an old 767, and you have your low fare passenger flying to Asia on a brand new A330.

Why? Because Jetstar would be unable to make a profit flying 767s on the route, while Qantas could, and so it is not in somebody's best interests to show that.

It will, of course, all come full circle, and eventually the voice of the premium passenger will be heard once more demanding quality.
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