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Old 26th January 2011, 06:29 PM
David Ramsay David Ramsay is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Auckland
Posts: 405
Default Not QF this time .. NZ 733 returns to NZDN after alleged bird strike

From NZ Herald web site

A jet aircraft carrying 115 people had to make an emergency landing at Dunedin airport this evening after a bird-strike incident.

Police were alerted to the plight of the Air New Zealand Boeing 737 plane about 5.15pm, Senior Sergeant Brian Benn told NZPA.

"There was a full emergency declared as a precaution because the aircraft was coming in with one engine, but it all went very smoothly. No problems."

He said the plane landed at 5.37pm.

Air New Zealand spokeswoman Andrea Dale said flight NZ474 departed Dunedin for Wellington at 16.50 today and experienced a bird-strike approximately 20 minutes after take off.

Contrary to police reports, she said the engine was not shut down.

"As per standard operating procedure the pilots notified air traffic control and requested assistance of airport services."

She said the aircraft landed safely and the 115 passengers had now disembarked.

The aircraft has been inspected by engineers and due to be back in service tomorrow morning.

Passengers have been accommodated on a later flight today.
Bird strike 20 minutes after take off .. must have been a high flying bird.
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