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Old 2nd June 2008, 04:23 PM
Mick F Mick F is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: NSW
Posts: 852

G'day Andrew,
I operate into Brisbane quite a bit during all hours of the day and can give you a quick hand.

Firstly, the only times I've heard the requirement for a start clearance is after 2300hrs Local through until I think it's 0600hrs Local. It's broadcast as part of the ATIS.

So best thing to do, just prior to turning the key on your machine, just double check the ATIS to make sure there isn't any start clearance requirement (things do change).

After start, get your airways clearance on 118.60, then once you're reading to taxi, call up Brisbane Ground on 121.70.

"Ground, ABC is in the GA, 2 POB, received Alpha, request taxi clearance". They'll come back to you with an instruction, and hey presto you're on your way.

Then just switch over to Tower approaching the holding point and call ready.

Hope that helps.


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